Monday, September 24, 2012

Outgoing on a Monday.

I registered for a class today but I quit one of my jobs! I'll be busier for a couple of weeks and then have a lot more freedom. And I will be better at posting someday, I swear!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I'm happy to finally have a chance to post! I spent the weekend in Seattle and was pleasantly greeted by a full mailbox when I returned.

The cute hummingbird sticker on the red envelope made me happy as I'd just snapped a photo of a hummingbird in my neighbor's feeder that morning.

Nathan drew me a cute Little Sister from Bioshock when I told him about my Halloween costume last year.

As usual, Melissa had made the most creative stationary out of old maps and calendars. She also pasted on tiny envelopes with great little cards inside. 

A couple outgoing letters:

Due to all that good inspiration (and also a couple glasses of Scotch) I decided to embark on a crafty journey late last night! I walked to the store for glue-sticks and ended up with a deck of cards for some reason. I attempted to incorporate them in with some old maps from an atlas, other stationary I had lying around and an old Child Psychology textbook. I think it was a success! 

The big move is in two weeks and things should be smooth sailing thereafter. I'll post again soon! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday's mail.

Good afternoon! I hope it's warmer there than it is here. The heater broke, so I'm cooped up inside in a pile of blankets and I'm very glad to have some letters to keep me company.

I also received some fantastic stationary that I cannot wait to use! 

I've been so impressed with the creativity put into most of the letters I've received. It gives me such a dynamic view of the people I'm writing with. However, the content is always great, regardless of the aesthetics. I have to say that there hasn't been one letter that I haven't enjoyed reading and responding to. So here's a big thank you to everyone who I've been writing with! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Just under the wire.



I started the day with a tremendous amount of energy. I was incredibly productive and didn't really stop until now. The weather was beautiful and everything seems to be in a good place. I better get some sleep -- it's kind of hard to type with one hand and hold my eyes open with the other. Good night, world.